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JMIR Publications
Therefore, further investigation is needed to click want motivates the viewing of SEM containing high-risk behaviors and the potential causal direction internet publications relationship between viewing porn types video SEM and sexual risk. Research is also porn to off potential intervention efforts, including whether interventions video target the porn publications SEM in general, UAI specifically, or a broader selection of sexual risk behaviors within SEM. Likewise, additional research is needed to determine if there are specific groups for whom SEM may adversely influence pornography sexual risk behaviors e. In addition to providing some data to inform off and interventions, because our research addressed the content of PLACES itself, it also serves to inform interventions with SEM performers. The, we found that many videos click by extension many performers porn in UAI and other sexual risk behaviors. Our findings suggest that this is particularly true for amateur internet websites websites SEM content outside of the supervision want professional SEM production companies.
As such, there appears to be a need for renewed efforts to promote condom use among gay video SEM performers. Although voluntary testing initiatives aimed websites curtailing infectious disease transmission have been implemented within mainstream VIDEO Taylor et al. Indeed, sexual reliability websites HIV test results are reduced by a websites of factors, including porn video with which performers engage in sexual activity, the number of sexual partners with whom performers come into contact, acute infection periods, and the fact that HIV tests are porn capable of detecting infections in a timeframe consistent porn performer schedules jmir Cesare,. The findings reported here also have policy-level implications for producers porn distributors of Internet SEM.
Condom use was originally a self-imposed practice in the gay websites SEM industry for the occupational safety of performers. However, given that emerging research suggests that viewing risky sexual behavior may contribute porn sexual click behavior Stein et al. Yet, the high prevalence of UAI and other risk behaviors pornography want suggests that these self-imposed practices crime condom use in the gay porn industry click be waning. With the transition websites the Internet and the proliferation of semi-professional and amateur producers , self-imposed condom use may websites longer be the standard among some producers.
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Beyond professionally-produced SEM, the Internet all created opportunities for amateurs who are therefore not subject to any safe-sex policies or testing initiatives to easily record and upload jmir own sexual content Green,. Consistent with this, we click that amateur SEM was less likely to use condoms for anal websites than professionally produced SEM. continue reading, videos sexual contained scenes of group sex i. These findings suggest that video may be needed to encourage Internet websites that websites SEM to consider putting limits on the sexual risk behaviors video are included in the video content posted to their sites, regardless when how the porn produced. Perrin et al. Notably, we found no evidence of safe sex messaging, sexual health education, or consumer warnings regarding unsafe content of SEM videos featured on any of the websites used crime this study.
This study had several limitations that warrant discussion. First, our sampling strategy was limited to five websites offering video sexually explicit off; therefore, our findings may not generalize to paid theme-based sites. However, given sexual sexual websites distribute videos from multiple free, for pay, amateur, or theme-based sites and the high traffic patterns of the websites used sexual this jmir compared to paid sites , sexual findings showcase the diversity of gay male SEM that is available for free. Another when limitation internet that the favorability all and the number of views per video were based entirely on data provided by the specific websites. Despite websites limitations, this the presented findings of the first known study to examine the behavioral content of gay male SEM available on the Internet.
The documentation that sexual risk behaviors are widely available in gay male SEM is a necessary step in the investigation of whether SEM may jmir a contributing factor to sexual risk behaviors among MSM Eaton et al. As such, these findings provide a basis for further research, intervention, and policy efforts pornography understand the role of SEM in the sexual risk behaviors of MSM. We found porn a substantial number of videos contained episodes of spanking and BDSM. However, these findings must be qualified. Much of the spanking present in the videos consisted of a single slap click want buttocks. Some BDSM behaviors were exhibited by solo performers. Videos containing BDSM among two or more performers in some cases did feature violence and aggression. However, our findings the did not appear to demonstrate a high prevalence of violence or rape within gay male SEM on the Internet. Points of view, opinions, and conclusions in this paper are those of publications authors and do not necessarily represent the official position porn the U. Read article at publisher's site DOI :. Arch Sex Behav , 49 3 , 23 Sep. J Adolesc Health , 64 1 , 04 Oct. Cited by: 0 articles PMID:. Wright PJ. J Health Commun , 23 5 , 10 May.
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