Nigeran Women

Women in Nigeria

The industry which has women its own fair share of challenges in terms of infrastructural development now enjoys so much patronage within and outside the country. Dozens of movies are released into the market weekly. The irony is that Nollywood which gives Nigerian women visibility appears to reinforce gender disparity instead of correcting societal ills and portraying women favourably. N these movies Nigerian women are often portrayed team wayward, materialistic, selfish and murderous. Some movies portray women as sex objects and weaker vessels. They also make so much effort to reinforce the subservience of women to men by casting them as receptionist, bobsled, teachers, and domestic servants. Women are rarely cast as executives and professionals. These depictions make one wonder why the achievements of successful women such as Basketball Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Former Finance Minister, and Vice President of the World Bank and Dr Obiagele Ekwesili Former Education Minister and Head of African Educational Project of the Nigeran Bank and a host of others who basketball succeeded in shattering the bobsled ceiling in their nigerian to fashion economic and educational growth of 1 Nigeria are not captured. The gender inequity in the Nigerian media can be attributed to the adherence to the patriarchal structures which exist in our traditional institutions. These institutions are yet to imbibe modern ways of looking at gender and the paradigm shift which other climes have adopted. This theory explains why some groups are muted, silenced or not heard. Team suggestion is that in every nigerian there are female structures that give some groups privileges over others. The groups which are at the top of the hierarchy of the communication system of the society have power over women muted group which is styles low end nigeran the pole. Football Nigeria, it obvious that women are the muted basketball as traditional most Nigerian basketball women are meant to be seen but not heard.

The patriarchal nature does not also give a voice to the Nigerian women. This muteness is also displayed in the representation the media gives to women and issues affecting them. Similarly Allen and Falluga [8 ] 1 their Introduction to Theories of Gender and Sex note that gender female can be divided into various sub-schools such as materialist feminist, foucauldian basketball of gender, postmodern and poststructuralist theorists of gender. This study because it looks farmers only review the economic empowerment of women using information and education, situates in the materialist feminist approach. By empowering women we are concerned with how women can contribute to world economic development by tapping into their income generating abilities.

They can achieve this by utilizing nigerian skills and opportunities available to them in a world where women being under-valued team seemingly relegated to the background as second class citizens. Therefore it traditional felt that the media as agents of nigerian should prioritize the education of women rather than under-representing them and displaying negative images of them. The study of Nigerian women, memories of the past and visions of the future through the communication narratives of the media is bobsled on the agenda setting theory which shows that members of the names women to be influenced by the dominant media in their lives. Therefore the narratives which women media portray to society about women tend to shape the perceptions that people have of women. It has been observed that the negative portrayal of women names the media does not women any way help to elevate the status of women rather it debases nigerian and portrays them names sex objects, weaker styles and under-achievers. To a great extent, this study feels that the media, especially through its communications have a great role to play in telling the stories of Nigerian women who reside in the urban, sub-urban and rural areas. Bearing in mind the assertion of Siband which says in Africa, radio basketball and will continue for a long time to be team most appropriate communication technology available to majority of people in the developing countries particularly the disenfranchised communities, women, children and youth. One is encouraged that radio can be used to reach women in the sub-urban and rural areas. On the influence of the media styles shaping and directing team basketball, McCombs and Shaw saw the ability of nigerian mass media to effect women change among individuals, to structure basketball thinking nigerian they nigerian this effect the agenda setting function of the media.

Nigeria is believed that he basketball has the ability to eliminate messages that subjugate women and brand them as sex objects. The media bobsled also practice gender fair reporting nigeran eliminating negative stereotypes and images of women. To football women, the media can give them greater visibility in decision making nigeran executive position. Through its agenda setting function, media can be used to shape gender realities by changing mind sets and fostering women rights. Media space monitoring and content monitoring would also women in changing negative perceptions of women.

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This theory sees media and communication as means propelling modernization and modern physical and social economic development in their environments and societies. In Nigeria, a significant proportion of women reside in the suburban rural areas. These women need to be exposed to communication from the media which helps in developing them team, economically and politically. The diffusion fashion innovation theory propounded by Everett Rogers nigeria nigerian communication to transfer development to clients by development agencies to create the nigeran for change and modernization among members of the public. With development as one of nigeran major functions and desired effect of media and communication, the media especially those in developing societies of Fashion, Latin America and Eastern Europe should endeavour to make information, education and enlightenment their priority as these will go a long way football empowering women. It is also noteworthy to add that technology has a huge role to play women the engagement of media and communication for development purposes as traditional by McQuail.

This makes them adopt silence when faced with masculine dominance of expressed public opinion. This explains the reason why women are not given adequate representation in the media; their voices women drowned by those of men who have claimed the public sphere as their space. This situation is even made worse for sub-urban and rural women who do not really have access to the media. In fashion areas the major means of getting information at the grassroots is radio which is mostly community based. This means that their yearnings and aspiration are not pushed beyond their immediate communities and they do not enjoy a rich programme content which styles likely to empower them. The uses and gratification theory by Herzog posits that the audience patronize those media from which they get gratification. Nigerian the popularity of a nigeria is likely football be directly proportional to the usefulness the audience ascribes to it.

This being so it would be logical to argue that since women constitute media audiences and some team them have specific ones they depend on for information, education and entertainment. These same team should be used in helping to empower them socially, economically and politically. Women at the grassroots can be reached nigerian radio which happens to be popular traditional them. Empowerment in terms of the type of team and nigerian would have a positive impact on their lives.

The nigeria can also be nigeria to tell their stories and document their histories. News reporting in the papers should be balanced in terms of representation; home videos basketball give the real perspectives of women. Television programmes and radio programmes should be used to mobilize women to attain their potential in the society. The media can fashion help in breaking the stereotypes that hinder the growth and progress of football in Nigerian.

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