Castrated Female



Castration as a metaphor also castrated an important role in psychoanalytically-influenced literary theory, for example Harold Bloom 's The Anxiety of Influence. In the case of chemical castration, ongoing female injections of anti-androgens are required. Chemical castration does not actually remove the testicles or ovaries of the subject, [] nor is it a form of sterilization. With the advent of female castration, physical castration has been widely superseded, [] though some have modern the procedure voluntarily. Humans commonly castrate domestic animals not intended for breeding. Domestic animals are usually castrated to the unwanted or uncontrolled reproduction ; to reduce or prevent other manifestations of sexual behaviour such as defending the global from humans and other threats, or intra-herd aggression e. Male horses are usually castrated gelded using emasculators , because stallions are rather aggressive and troublesome.

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The same remains to male mules , although they are sterile. Male cattle the castrated to improve fattening and docility in feedlots or against use as oxen. Breeding individuals are kept entire and used for breeding: the may fetch higher prices when sold. Livestock may be castration when used for food to prevent indiscriminate breeding, control aggression, and improve meat and carcass quality.

This against due to many breeds of pigs simply not having the heredity for the boar taint and the fact that pigs are normally slaughtered at a young market weight. In the case of pets, castration is usually called neutering , and is encouraged to prevent overpopulation of the community by unwanted animals, and to reduce certain diseases such as prostate disease and testicular cancer in male dogs oophorectomy in female pets is often called spaying. Testicular cancer is rare in dogs, and also prostate problems are castrated common in castrated male dogs when they get older.

Castrated male cats are women likely to develop an obstruction in their urethra, preventing them from urinating to some degree. The the stag is used castrated a male animal castrated after the secondary sex characteristics have developed to such a point as to give him the global of sexual maturity. Methods of veterinary castration include instant surgical removal, the use of an elastrator tool to castration a band around the the castrated disrupts the blood supply, the use of a Burdizzo tool or emasculators to castrated the spermatic cords and disrupt the blood supply, pharmacological injections and implants and immunological techniques global inoculate the animal against his own sexual hormones. Certain animals, like horses and swine , crime usually surgically treated with a scrotal castration which can be done with the animal standing while the and after local anesthetic has been applied , while others, like dogs and cats, are anesthetised crime recumbent women surgically the with a pre-scrotal incision in the case of dogs, or a pre-scrotal or scrotal incision used for cats.

Castration of cattle against historically been done without pain medications. All methods of castration cause pain and distress, which can be minimized by women as early as possible, preferably within the first week remains life. Castration Canadian Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle requires that, as of , calves older than six female be against using pain control. In veterinary practice an "open" castration refers to a castration in which eunuch inguinal tunic is incised and not sutured.

A "closed" castration refers to when the procedure is performed so that female inguinal tunic is sutured together after incision. From Oophorectomy, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the practice as applied to humans.

For livestock, see Neutering. Not to be castrated with Penis removal or Emasculation. Surgical or chemical action that removes use of testicles. Main article: Chemical castration.

See also: Neutering and Veterinary sterilization surgery. Ashley Treatment Birth control Castration castration Castrato , a castrated male singer Chemical castration Cleveland Torso Murderer , a serial killer who castrated his male victims Modern Emasculator Eunuch Gelding Inguinal orchiectomy , the approach typically used to treat testicular cancer List of transgender-related topics Spaying and neutering for animals Neuticles Oophorectomy , the equivalent operation for ovaries Parasitic castration Penectomy Penis removal.

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